DDR爱好者之家 Design By 杰米


from django.utils.translation import ngettext_lazy as _n

def humanize_seconds(secs):
  a_day = 86400
  an_hour = 3600
  a_minute = 60
  timetot = ''
  total_secs = secs
  if secs > a_day: # 60sec * 60min * 24hrs
    days = int(secs // a_day)
    # timetot += "{} {}".format(int(days), _('days'))
    timetot += _n('%(num)s day', '%(num)s days', days) % {'num': days}
    secs = secs - days * a_day

  if secs > an_hour:
    hrs = int(secs // an_hour)
    # timetot += " {} {}".format(int(hrs), _('hours'))
    timetot += ' '
    timetot += _n('%(num)s hour', '%(num)s hours', hrs) % {'num': hrs}
    secs = secs - hrs * an_hour

  if secs > a_minute and total_secs < a_day:
    mins = int(secs // a_minute)
    timetot += ' '
    timetot += _n('%(num)s minute', '%(num)s minutes', mins) % {'num': mins}
    secs = secs - mins * a_minute

  if secs > 0 and total_secs < an_hour:
    secs = int(secs)
    timetot += ' '
    timetot += _n('%(num)s second', '%(num)s seconds', secs) % {'num': secs}
  return timetot

if __name__ == "__main__":

知识点扩展:django 将model转换为字典

from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from projects.models import ProjectInformation

site = ProjectInformation.objects.get(id=6)
dict = model_to_dict(site)
{'CRFmethod': '',
 'EDCprovider': '',
 'acceptancenum': '',
 'add_time': datetime.datetime(2017, 4, 20, 8, 4, 42, 751202, tzinfo=<UTC>),
 'begindate': None,
 'clinicalassis': '',
 'clinicalnum': '',
 'created_by': '',
 'created_date': None,
 'enddate': None,
 'ethicsreviewdate': None,
 'ethicsreviewpers': '',
 'ethicsreviewres': '',
 'ethicsreviewunit': '',
 'id': 6,
 'isimport': None,
 'leaderunit': None,
 'localcases': None,
 'medicalequipment': '',
 'mequipmenttype': '',
 'multicenter': '',
 'plannum': '',
 'proenname': '爱上地方',
 'proname': '打士大夫',
 'prostatus': '',
 'prosummary': '',
 'protype': '打是否',
 'regstudy': '是',
 'reportdate': None,
 'reportnum': '',
 'reportversion': '',
 'researchdesign': '',
 'researchtype': '',
 'responsible': '',
 'studytype': '器械类',
 'telephonenum': None,
 'totalcases': None,
 'treatmenttype': None,
 'unitnum': None}



DDR爱好者之家 Design By 杰米
广告合作:本站广告合作请联系QQ:858582 申请时备注:广告合作(否则不回)
DDR爱好者之家 Design By 杰米