DDR爱好者之家 Design By 杰米
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * import sys import MyButton import DoublePlayerGame import SinglePlayerGame from NetConfig import * import NetPlayerGame class Mainwindow(QWidget): def __init__(self,parent = None): super().__init__(parent) self.resize(760,650) self.setWindowTitle("我的五子棋") #设置窗口图标 self.setWindowIcon(QIcon("source/icon.ico")) #设置背景图片 p = QPalette(self.palette())#获得当前的调色板 brush = QBrush(QImage("source/五子棋界面.png")) p.setBrush(QPalette.Background,brush)#设置调色版 self.setPalette(p)#给窗口设置调色板 self.singlePlayerBtn = MyButton.MyButton('source/人机对战_hover.png', 'source/人机对战_normal.png', 'source/人机对战_press.png', parent=self) self.singlePlayerBtn.move(300,300) self.dancelePlayerBtn = MyButton.MyButton('source/双人对战_hover.png', 'source/双人对战_normal.png', 'source/双人对战_press.png', parent=self) self.dancelePlayerBtn.move(300,400) #self.dancelePlayerBtn.clicked.connect(DoublePlayerGame) self.drawlePlayerBtn = MyButton.MyButton('source/联机对战_hover.png', 'source/联机对战_normal.png', 'source/联机对战_press.png', parent=self) self.drawlePlayerBtn.move(300,500) #绑定开始双人游戏信号和槽函数 self.dancelePlayerBtn.clicked.connect(self.startDoubliGame) self.singlePlayerBtn.clicked.connect(self.startSingleGame) self.drawlePlayerBtn.clicked.connect(self.startNetGame) def startDoubliGame(self): print("in") #构建双人对战界面 self.doublePlayerGame = DoublePlayerGame.DoublePlayGame() #绑定返回界面 self.doublePlayerGame.backSignal.connect(self.showStartGame) self.doublePlayerGame.show()#显示游戏界面 self.close() def startSingleGame(self): self.SingleGame = SinglePlayerGame.SinglePlayerGame() self.SingleGame.backSignal.connect(self.showStartGame2) self.SingleGame.show() self.close() def startNetGame(self): self.netConfig = NetConfigWidget() self.netConfig.exit_signal.connect(self.show) self.netConfig.show() self.netConfig.config_signal.connect(self.receiveNetConfig) self.close() def receiveNetConfig(self,nettype,name,ip,port): ''' 接收网络配置信息 ''' print("net config:",nettype,name,ip,port) if nettype == "client": net_object = NetClient(name,ip,port) elif nettype == "server": net_object = NetServer(name,ip,port) else: return self.netPlayerGame = NetPlayerGame.NetPlayerGame(net_object=net_object) self.netPlayerGame.backSignal.connect(self.show) self.close() self.netPlayerGame.show() self.netConfig.hide() '''lbl = QLabel(self) pix = QPixmap("source/人机大战_norma.")''' #显示开始界面 def showStartGame(self): self.show() self.doublePlayerGame.close() def showStartGame2(self): self.show() self.SingleGame.close() if __name__ == "__main__": import cgitb cgitb.enable("text") a = QApplication(sys.argv) m = Mainwindow() m.show() sys.exit(a.exec_())
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5 import * import sys class Chessman(QLabel): def __init__(self, color = "black",parent = None): super().__init__(parent) self.color = color self.pic = None if self.color == "black": self.pic = QPixmap("source/黑子.png") else: self.pic = QPixmap("source/白子.png") self.setPixmap(self.pic) self.setFixedSize(self.pic.size())#设置棋子大小 self.show() self.x = 0 self.y = 0 def move(self,a0:QtCore.QPoint): super().move(a0.x()-15,a0.y()-15) def setIndex(self,x,y): self.x = x self.y = y import MyButton class DoublePlayGame(QWidget): backSignal = pyqtSignal()#返回信号 def __init__(self,parent = None): super().__init__(parent=parent) #左上角chessboard[0][0] #右上角chessboard[0][18] #左下角chessboard[18][0] #右下角chessboard[18][18] #chessboard[行下标][列下标] self.chessboard = [[None for i in range(19)] for i in range(19)] #落子棋子颜色 self.turnChessColor = "black" self.history = [] self.history2 = [] self.is_over = False #配置背景图 p = QPalette(self.palette())#获得当前的调色板 brush = QBrush(QImage("source/游戏界面.png")) p.setBrush(QPalette.Background,brush)#设置调色版 self.setPalette(p)#给窗口设置调色板 #设置标题 #self.resize(760,650) self.setWindowTitle("双人联机") #设置窗口图标 self.setWindowIcon(QIcon("source/icon.ico")) #设置窗口大小 self.setFixedSize(QImage("source/游戏界面.png").size()) self.backBtn = MyButton.MyButton('source/返回按钮_hover.png', 'source/返回按钮_normal.png', 'source/返回按钮_press.png', parent=self) self.backBtn.move(650,50) self.startBtn = MyButton.MyButton('source/开始按钮_hover.png', 'source/开始按钮_normal.png', 'source/开始按钮_press.png', parent=self) self.startBtn.move(650,300) self.returnBtn = MyButton.MyButton('source/悔棋按钮_hover.png', 'source/悔棋按钮_normal.png', 'source/悔棋按钮_press.png', parent=self) self.returnBtn.move(650,400) self.loseBtn = MyButton.MyButton('source/认输按钮_hover.png', 'source/认输按钮_normal.png', 'source/认输按钮_press.png', parent=self) self.loseBtn.move(650,500) #绑定返回按钮 self.backBtn.clicked.connect(self.goBack) self.startBtn.clicked.connect(self.restar) self.loseBtn.clicked.connect(self.lose) self.returnBtn.clicked.connect(self.huiback) self.gameStatu = [] self.focusPoint = QLabel(self) self.focusPoint.setPixmap(QPixmap("source/标识.png")) def goBack(self): self.backSignal.emit() self.close() def closeEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QCloseEvent): self.backSignal.emit() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QMouseEvent): if self.gameStatu == False: return None print(a0.pos()) print("x:",a0.x()) print("y:",a0.y()) pos,chess_index = self.reversePos(a0) if pos is None: return if self.chessboard[chess_index[1]][chess_index[0]] != None: return self.chess = Chessman(color=self.turnChessColor,parent=self) self.chess.setIndex(chess_index[0], chess_index[1]) self.chess.move(pos) self.chess.show()#显示棋子 self.history.append(self.chess) self.history2.append(self.focusPoint) self.focusPoint.move(QPoint(pos.x()-15,pos.y()-15)) self.focusPoint.show() self.focusPoint.raise_() print("棋盘交点位置:",chess_index) #放入棋盘 self.chessboard[chess_index[1]][chess_index[0]] = self.chess if self.turnChessColor=="black": self.turnChessColor="white" else: self.turnChessColor="black" self.lbl = None result = self.isWin(self.chess) if result != None: print(result + '赢了') self.showResult(result) #自动落子 #self.autoDown() #坐标转换 def reversePos(self, a0: QtCore.QPoint): if a0.x() <= 50 - 15 or a0.x() >= 590 +15 or a0.y() <= 50 - 15 or a0.y() >= 590+15 : return None, None self.x = (a0.x()-35)//30 self.y = (a0.y()-35)//30 x = 50+30*self.x y = 50+30*self.y return QPoint(x, y),(self.x, self.y) def isWin(self,chessman): print("in iswin,lastChessman:",chessman.color,chessman.x,chessman.y) #水平方向y相同,chessboard[chessman.y][i] count = 1 #左边 i = chessman.x - 1 while i>=0: if self.chessboard[chessman.y][i] == None or self.chessboard[chessman.y][i].color != chessman.color: break count += 1 i -= 1 #右边 i = chessman.x + 1 while i<=18: if self.chessboard[chessman.y][i] == None or self.chessboard[chessman.y][i].color != chessman.color: break count += 1 i += 1 if count >=5: return chessman.color count = 1 j = chessman.y - 1 while j >= 0: if self.chessboard[j][chessman.x] == None or self.chessboard[j][chessman.x].color != chessman.color: break count += 1 j -= 1 j = chessman.y + 1 while j <= 18: if self.chessboard[j][chessman.x] == None or self.chessboard[j][chessman.x].color != chessman.color: break count += 1 j += 1 if count >=5: return chessman.color count = 1 j,i = chessman.y - 1,chessman.x + 1 while j >= 0 and i <= 18: if self.chessboard[j][i] == None or self.chessboard[j][i].color != chessman.color: break count += 1 j -= 1 i += 1 j,i = chessman.y + 1,chessman.x - 1 while i >= 0 and j <= 18: if self.chessboard[j][i] == None or self.chessboard[j][i].color != chessman.color: break count += 1 i -= 1 j += 1 if count >=5: return chessman.color count = 1 j,i = chessman.y-1,chessman.x-1 while j>=0 and i>=0: if self.chessboard[j][i] == None or self.chessboard[j][i].color != chessman.color: break count += 1 j -= 1 i -= 1 j,i = chessman.y+1,chessman.x+1 while j<=18 and i<=18: if self.chessboard[j][i] == None or self.chessboard[j][i].color != chessman.color: break count += 1 j += 1 i += 1 if count >=5: return chessman.color return None def showResult(self,isWin = None): self.gameStatu = False if isWin == "white": self.lbl = QLabel(self) self.lbl.setPixmap(QPixmap("source/白棋胜利.png")) self.lbl.move(150,150) self.lbl.show() elif isWin == "black": self.lbl = QLabel(self) self.lbl.setPixmap(QPixmap("source/黑棋胜利.png")) self.lbl.move(150,150) self.lbl.show() else: return def restar(self): for i in range(19): for j in range(19): if self.chessboard[i][j] != None: self.chessboard[i][j].close() self.chessboard[i][j] = None self.focusPoint.close() else: pass if self.lbl != None: self.lbl.close() self.gameStatu = True def lose(self): if self.gameStatu == False: return if self.turnChessColor == "black": self.lbl = QLabel(self) self.lbl.setPixmap(QPixmap("source/白棋胜利.png")) self.lbl.move(150,150) self.lbl.show() elif self.turnChessColor == "white": self.lbl = QLabel(self) self.lbl.setPixmap(QPixmap("source/黑棋胜利.png")) self.lbl.move(150,150) self.lbl.show() else: return def huiback(self): if self.gameStatu == False: return m = self.history.pop() a = self.history2.pop() self.chessboard[m.y][m.x] = None m.close() a.close() if self.turnChessColor=="black": self.turnChessColor="white" else: self.turnChessColor="black" if __name__ == "__main__": import cgitb cgitb.enable("text") a = QApplication(sys.argv) m = DoublePlayGame() m.show() sys.exit(a.exec_()) pass
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5 import * import socket import threading class NetConfigWidget(QWidget): config_signal = pyqtSignal([str,str,str,str]) exit_signal = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self,parent = None): super().__init__(parent = parent) self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle("网络配置") self.name_label = QLabel("姓名:",self) self.name_input = QLineEdit("玩家1",self) self.ip_label = QLabel("IP:",self) self.ip_input = QLineEdit("",self) self.port_label = QLabel("Prot:",self) self.port_input = QLineEdit("10086",self) self.client_button = QPushButton("链接主机",self) self.server_button = QPushButton("我是主机",self) gridLayout = QGridLayout() gridLayout.addWidget(self.name_label,0,0) gridLayout.addWidget(self.name_input,0,1) gridLayout.addWidget(self.ip_label,1,0) gridLayout.addWidget(self.ip_input,1,1) gridLayout.addWidget(self.port_label,2,0) gridLayout.addWidget(self.port_input,2,1) gridLayout.addWidget(self.client_button,3,0) gridLayout.addWidget(self.server_button,3,1) self.setLayout(gridLayout) self.client_button.clicked.connect(self.client_btn_signal) self.server_button.clicked.connect(self.server_btn_signal) def server_btn_signal(self): self.config_signal.emit("server",self.name_input.text(),self.ip_input.text(),self.port_input.text()) def client_btn_signal(self): self.config_signal.emit("client",self.name_input.text(),self.ip_input.text(),self.port_input.text()) def closeEvent(self,a0:QtGui.QCloseEvent): self.close() self.exit_signal.emit() class NetClient(QObject): msg_signal = pyqtSignal([str]) def __init__(self,name,ip,port): super().__init__() self.name = name self.ip = ip self.port = port self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) def buildConnect(self): '''建立链接''' self.socket.connect((self.ip,int(self.port))) threading.Thread(target=self.recv).start() pass def send(self,data): '''发送数据 data(发送的数据)字符串类型''' self.socket.send(data.encode()) pass def recv(self): '''接收数据''' while True: try: data = self.socket.recv(4096).decode() self.msg_signal.emit(data) except: pass class NetServer(QObject): msg_signal = pyqtSignal([str]) def __init__(self,name,ip,port): super().__init__() self.name = name self.ip = ip self.port = port self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.cli_socket = None def buildConnect(self): self.socket.bind(("",int(self.port))) self.socket.listen(1) threading.Thread(target=self.__acceptConnect).start() def __acceptConnect(self): try: self.cli_socket,cli_addr = self.socket.accept() except: pass while True: try: data = self.cli_socket.recv(4096).decode() self.msg_signal.emit(data) except Exception as e: print(e) def send(self,data): if self.cli_socket == None: return self.cli_socket.send(data.encode()) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import cgitb cgitb.enable("text") a = QApplication(sys.argv) m = NetConfigWidget() m.show() sys.exit(a.exec_()) pass
from DoublePlayerGame import * import json from NetConfig import * from PyQt5.QtMultimedia import QSound class NetPlayerGame(DoublePlayGame): def __init__(self,net_object, parent = None): super().__init__(parent = parent) self.net_object = net_object self.net_object.buildConnect()#建立网络链接 self.net_object.msg_signal.connect(self.parseData) self.m_color = None#玩家棋子颜色 self.cuicuBtn = MyButton.MyButton('source/催促按钮_hover.png', 'source/催促按钮_normal.png', 'source/催促按钮_press.png', parent=self) self.cuicuBtn.move(650,600) self.cuicuBtn.clicked.connect(self.cuicu) def cuicu(self): QSound.play('source/cuicu.wav') msg = {} msg['msg_type'] = 'cuicu' self.net_object.send(json.dumps(msg)) pass def goBack(self): self.backSignal.emit() self.close() self.net_object.socket.close() def downChessman(self,point,color): ''' 自动落子 :return: ''' #point = self.getPoint() # 注意:x,y坐标对应 chess_index = (point.y(), point.x()) # 棋子在棋盘中的下标 pos = QPoint(50+point.x()*30, 50+point.y()*30) # 棋子在棋盘中的坐标 self.chessman = Chessman(color=color, parent=self) self.chessman.setIndex(chess_index[0], chess_index[1]) self.chessman.move(pos) self.chessman.show() # 显示棋子 # 显示标识 self.focusPoint.move(QPoint(pos.x() - 15, pos.y() - 15)) self.focusPoint.show() self.focusPoint.raise_() self.chessboard[chess_index[0]][chess_index[1]] = self.chessman # 历史记录 self.history.append((chess_index[0], chess_index[1], self.chessman.color)) # 改变落子颜色 if self.turnChessColor == 'black': self.turnChessColor = 'white' else: self.turnChessColor = 'black' # 判断输赢 result = self.isWin(self.chessman) if result != None: print(result + '赢了') self.showResult(result) pass ''' { "msg_type":"positon", "x":"10", "y":"15", "color":"black" } ''' #解析网路数据 def parseData(self,data): print("pardata:",data) try: msg = json.loads(data) except Exception as e: print(e) #msg = json.loads(data) print("msg:",msg) if msg["msg_type"] == "position": self.downChessman(QPoint(int(msg["x"]),int(msg["y"])),msg["color"]) pass elif msg["msg_type"] == "restart": result = QMessageBox.information(None,'五子棋_提示消息','请求开始游戏',QMessageBox.Yes |QMessageBox.No) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: self.restartGame()#白子 self.m_color = 'white' msg = {} msg['msg_type'] = "response" msg['action_type'] = 'restart' msg['action_result'] = 'yes' self.net_object.send(json.dumps(msg)) else: msg = {} msg['msg_type'] = "response" msg['action_type'] = 'restart' msg['action_result'] = 'no' self.net_object.send(json.dumps(msg)) elif msg['msg_type'] == 'response': if msg['action_type'] == 'restart': if msg['action_result'] == 'yes': self.restartGame() self.m_color = 'balck' else: QMessageBox.information(self,'五子棋_提示消息','对方拒绝游戏') elif msg['action_type'] == 'huiqi': if msg['action_result'] == 'Yes': self.huiqigame() else: QMessageBox.information(self,'五子棋_提示消息','对方拒绝悔棋',QMessageBox.Yes |QMessageBox.No) elif msg['msg_type'] == 'huiqi': result = QMessageBox.information(self,'五子棋_提示消息','对方请求悔棋',QMessageBox.Yes |QMessageBox.No) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: msg = {} msg['msg_type'] = "response" msg['action_type'] = 'huiqi' msg['action_result'] = 'Yes' self.net_object.send(json.dumps(msg)) self.huiqigame() else: msg = {} msg['msg_type'] = "response" msg['action_type'] = 'huiqi' msg['action_result'] = 'No' self.net_object.send(json.dumps(msg)) elif msg['msg_type'] == 'lose': show.showResult(self.m_color) elif msg['msg_type'] == 'cuicu': QSound.play('source/cuicu.wav') QMessageBox.window(self,'0') def restartGame(self): for i in range(19): for j in range(19): if self.chessboard[i][j] != None: self.chessboard[i][j].close() self.chessboard[i][j] = None self.focusPoint.close() else: pass self.lbl = None if self.lbl != None: self.lbl.close() self.gameStatu = True self.focusPoint.hide() self.turnChessColor="black" def mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QMouseEvent): if self.m_color != self.turnChessColor: return if self.gameStatu == False: return None pos,chess_index = self.reversePos(a0) if pos is None: return if self.chessboard[chess_index[1]][chess_index[0]] != None: return self.chess = Chessman(color=self.turnChessColor,parent=self) self.chess.setIndex(chess_index[1], chess_index[0]) self.chess.move(pos) self.chess.show()#显示棋子 self.history.append(self.chess) self.history2.append(self.focusPoint) self.focusPoint.move(QPoint(pos.x()-15,pos.y()-15)) self.focusPoint.show() self.focusPoint.raise_() print("棋盘交点位置:",chess_index) #放入棋盘 self.chessboard[chess_index[1]][chess_index[0]] = self.chess #发送落子信息 msg = {} msg["msg_type"] = "position" msg["x"] = chess_index[1] msg["y"] = chess_index[0] msg["color"] = self.turnChessColor self.net_object.send(json.dumps(msg)) if self.turnChessColor=="black": self.turnChessColor="white" else: self.turnChessColor="black" self.lbl = None result = self.isWin(self.chess) if result != None: print(result + '赢了') self.showResult(result) def huiqi(self): if self.gameStatu == None: QMessageBox.warning(self,'五子棋提示','游戏没有开始,不能悔棋') if self.m_color != self.turnChessColor: QMessageBox.warning(self,'五子棋提示','不是你的回合') msg = {} msg['msg_type'] = 'huiqi' self.net_object.send(json.dumps(msg)) def huiqigame(self): if self.gameStatu == False: return m = self.history.pop() a = self.history2.pop() self.chessboard[m.y][m.x] = None m.close() a.close() if self.turnChessColor=="black": self.turnChessColor="white" else: self.turnChessColor="black" def restar(self): msg = {} msg["msg_type"] = "restart" self.net_object.send(json.dumps(msg)) def lose(self): if self.gameStatu == False: QMessageBox.warning(None,'五子棋','游戏没有开始') if self.m_color == "black": self.lbl = QLabel(self) self.lbl.setPixmap(QPixmap("source/白棋胜利.png")) self.lbl.move(150,150) self.lbl.show() elif self.m_color == "white": self.lbl = QLabel(self) self.lbl.setPixmap(QPixmap("source/黑棋胜利.png")) self.lbl.move(150,150) self.lbl.show() else: return msg = {} msg['msg_type'] = "lose" #msg['action_type'] = 'restart' #msg['action_result'] = 'no' self.net_object.send(json.dumps(msg)) if __name__ == '__main__': import cgitb cgitb.enable("text") a = QApplication(sys.argv) m = NetPlayerGame() m.show() sys.exit(a.exec_()) pass
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @author: alex # @time: 2018/12/27 16:29 from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5 import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import * class MyButton(QLabel): clicked = pyqtSignal()#自定义一个信号 def __init__(self, *args, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.hoverPixmap = QPixmap(args[0]) self.normalPixmap = QPixmap(args[1]) self.pressPixmap = QPixmap(args[2]) self.enterState = False self.setPixmap(self.normalPixmap) self.setFixedSize(self.normalPixmap.size()) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev: QtGui.QMouseEvent): if self.enterState == False: self.setPixmap(self.normalPixmap) else: self.setPixmap(self.hoverPixmap) self.clicked.emit()#发射信号 print("鼠标释放") pass def mousePressEvent(self, ev: QtGui.QMouseEvent): self.setPixmap(self.pressPixmap) print("鼠标按下") pass def enterEvent(self, a0: QtCore.QEvent): self.setPixmap(self.hoverPixmap) self.enterState = True print("鼠标进入") pass def leaveEvent(self, a0: QtCore.QEvent): self.setPixmap(self.normalPixmap) self.enterState = False print("鼠标离开") pass if __name__ == '__main__': a = QApplication(sys.argv) mybtn = MyButton('source/人机对战_hover.png', 'source/人机对战_normal.png', 'source/人机对战_press.png') mybtn.show() sys.exit(a.exec_())
from DoublePlayerGame import * class SinglePlayerGame(DoublePlayGame): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) self.setWindowTitle('五子棋-单机模式') def mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QMouseEvent): if self.gameStatu == False: return None print(a0.pos()) print("x:",a0.x()) print("y:",a0.y()) pos,chess_index = self.reversePos(a0) if pos is None: return if self.chessboard[chess_index[1]][chess_index[0]] != None: return # 玩家落子 super().mouseReleaseEvent(a0) # 电脑落子 self.autoDown() def getPointScore(self, x, y, color): ''' 返回每个点的得分 y:行坐标 x:列坐标 color:棋子颜色 :return: ''' # 分别计算点周围5子以内,空白、和同色的分数 blank_score = 0 color_score = 0 # 记录每个方向的棋子分数 blank_score_plus = [0, 0, 0, 0] # 横向 纵向 正斜线 反斜线 color_score_plus = [0, 0, 0, 0] # 横线 # 右侧 i = x # 横坐标 j = y # 纵坐标 while i < 19: if self.chessboard[j][i] is None: blank_score += 1 blank_score_plus[0] += 1 break elif self.chessboard[j][i].color == color: color_score += 1 color_score_plus[0] += 1 else: break if i >= x + 4: break i += 1 # print('123123') # 左侧 i = x # 横坐标 j = y # 纵坐标 while i >= 0: if self.chessboard[j][i] is None: blank_score += 1 blank_score_plus[0] += 1 break elif self.chessboard[j][i].color == color: color_score += 1 color_score_plus[0] += 1 else: break if i <= x - 4: break i -= 1 # 竖线 # 上方 i = x # 横坐标 j = y # 纵坐标 while j >= 0: if self.chessboard[j][i] is None: blank_score += 1 blank_score_plus[1] += 1 break elif self.chessboard[j][i].color == color: color_score += 1 color_score_plus[1] += 1 else: break if j <= y - 4: break j -= 1 # 竖线 # 下方 i = x # 横坐标 j = y # 纵坐标 while j < 19: if self.chessboard[j][i] is None: blank_score += 1 blank_score_plus[1] += 1 break elif self.chessboard[j][i].color == color: color_score += 1 color_score_plus[1] += 1 else: break if j >= y + 4: # 最近五个点 break j += 1 # 正斜线 # 右上 i = x j = y while i < 19 and j >= 0: if self.chessboard[j][i] is None: blank_score += 1 blank_score_plus[2] += 1 break elif self.chessboard[j][i].color == color: color_score += 1 color_score_plus[2] += 1 else: break if i >= x + 4: # 最近五个点 break i += 1 j -= 1 # 左下 i = x j = y while j < 19 and i >= 0: if self.chessboard[j][i] is None: blank_score += 1 blank_score_plus[2] += 1 break elif self.chessboard[j][i].color == color: color_score += 1 color_score_plus[2] += 1 else: break if j >= y + 4: # 最近五个点 break i -= 1 j += 1 # 反斜线 # 左上 i = x j = y while i >= 0 and j >= 0: if self.chessboard[j][i] is None: blank_score += 1 blank_score_plus[3] += 1 break elif self.chessboard[j][i].color == color: color_score += 1 color_score_plus[3] += 1 else: break if i <= x - 4: break i -= 1 j -= 1 # 右上 i = x j = y while i < 19 and j < 19: if self.chessboard[j][i] is None: blank_score += 1 blank_score_plus[3] += 1 break elif self.chessboard[j][i].color == color: color_score += 1 color_score_plus[3] += 1 else: break if i >= x + 4: break i += 1 j += 1 for k in range(4): if color_score_plus[k] >= 5: return 100 # color_score *= 5 return max([x + y for x, y in zip(color_score_plus, blank_score_plus)]) def getPoint(self): ''' 返回落子位置 :return: ''' # 简单实现:返回一个空白交点 # for i in range(19): # for j in range(19): # if self.chessboard[i][j] == None: # return QPoint(j, i) # # 没有找到合适的点 white_score = [ [ 0 for i in range(19) ] for j in range(19)] black_score = [ [ 0 for i in range(19) ] for j in range(19)] for i in range(19): for j in range(19): if self.chessboard[i][j] != None: continue # 模拟落子 self.chessboard[i][j] = Chessman(color='white',parent=self) white_score[i][j] = self.getPointScore(j, i, 'white') self.chessboard[i][j].close() self.chessboard[i][j] = None self.chessboard[i][j] = Chessman(color='black',parent=self) black_score[i][j] = self.getPointScore(j, i, 'black') self.chessboard[i][j].close() self.chessboard[i][j] = None print('----------------') # 将二维坐标转换成以为进行计算 r_white_score = [] r_black_score = [] for i in white_score: r_white_score.extend(i) for i in black_score: r_black_score.extend(i) # 找到分数最大值 score = [ max(x,y) for x,y in zip(r_white_score,r_black_score) ] # 找到分数做大的下标 chess_index = score.index(max(score)) print(score,'\n',max(score)) y = chess_index //19 x = chess_index % 19 return QPoint(x,y) def autoDown(self): ''' 自动落子 :return: ''' point = self.getPoint() # 注意:x,y坐标对应 chess_index = (point.y(), point.x()) # 棋子在棋盘中的下标 pos = QPoint(50+point.x()*30, 50+point.y()*30) # 棋子在棋盘中的坐标 self.chessman = Chessman(color=self.turnChessColor, parent=self) self.chessman.setIndex(chess_index[1], chess_index[0]) self.chessman.move(pos) self.chessman.show() # 显示棋子 # 显示标识 self.focusPoint.move(QPoint(pos.x() - 15, pos.y() - 15)) self.focusPoint.show() self.focusPoint.raise_() self.chessboard[chess_index[0]][chess_index[1]] = self.chessman # 历史记录 self.history.append((chess_index[0], chess_index[1], self.chessman.color)) # 改变落子颜色 if self.turnChessColor == 'black': self.turnChessColor = 'white' else: self.turnChessColor = 'black' # 判断输赢 result = self.isWin(self.chessman) if result != None: print(result + '赢了') self.showResult(result) pass if __name__ == '__main__': import cgitb cgitb.enable('text') a = QApplication(sys.argv) m = SinglePlayerGame() m.show() sys.exit(a.exec_())
DDR爱好者之家 Design By 杰米
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DDR爱好者之家 Design By 杰米
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