DDR爱好者之家 Design By 杰米
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy import matplotlib.colors as colors import matplotlib.cm as cmx
_locations = [ (4, 4), # depot (4, 4), # unload depot_prime (4, 4), # unload depot_second (4, 4), # unload depot_fourth (4, 4), # unload depot_fourth (4, 4), # unload depot_fifth (2, 0), (8, 0), # locations to visit (0, 1), (1, 1), (5, 2), (7, 2), (3, 3), (6, 3), (5, 5), (8, 5), (1, 6), (2, 6), (3, 7), (6, 7), (0, 8), (7, 8) ]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) p1 = [l[0] for l in _locations] p2 = [l[1] for l in _locations] plt.plot(p1[:6], p2[:6], 'g*', ms=20, label='depot') plt.plot(p1[6:], p2[6:], 'ro', ms=15, label='customer') plt.grid(True) plt.legend(loc='lower left') way = [[0, 12, 18, 17, 16, 4, 14, 10, 11, 13, 5], [0, 6, 9, 8, 20, 3], [0, 19, 21, 15, 7, 2]] # cmap = plt.cm.jet cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=len(way)) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm,cmap=cmap) for k in range(0, len(way)): way0 = way[k] colorVal = scalarMap.to_rgba(k) for i in range(0, len(way0)-1): start = _locations[way0[i]] end = _locations[way0[i+1]] # plt.arrow(start[0], start[1], end[0]-start[0], end[1]-start[1], length_includes_head=True, # head_width=0.2, head_length=0.3, fc='k', ec='k', lw=2, ls=lineStyle[k], color='red') plt.arrow(start[0], start[1], end[0]-start[0], end[1]-start[1], length_includes_head=True, head_width=0.2, lw=2, color=colorVal) plt.show()
cmap = plt.cm.jet cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=len(way)) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm,cmap=cmap)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np plt.style.use('classic') plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] #解决中文显示 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False #解决符号无法显示 x=np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) y1=np.array([3,5,35,300,800,600,1200,4000]) y2=np.array([8,14,94,703,1300,1660,2801,12768]) fig1 = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes() ax.plot(x, y2,label='时间/秒') ax.set(xlabel='目标函数个数', ylabel='程序运行时间',title='多目标收敛速度') plt.hlines(703, 0, 4, colors='r', linestyle="--") plt.text(0, 703, "703") plt.hlines(1300, 0, 5, colors='g', linestyle="--") plt.text(0, 1300, "1300") # annotate plt.annotate("703秒", (4,703), xycoords='data', xytext=(4.2, 2000), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->')) plt.annotate("94秒", (3,94), xycoords='data', xytext=(3.5, 2000), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->')) plt.annotate("14秒", (2,14), xycoords='data', xytext=(2.5, 2000), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->')) plt.annotate("8秒", (1,8), xycoords='data', xytext=(1.5, 2000), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->')) plt.legend() plt.show() fig1.savefig('my_figure1.png')
import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.path import Path from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch # Use seaborn to change the default graphics to something nicer import seaborn as sns # And set a nice color palette sns.set_color_codes('deep') # Create the plot object fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 4)) x = np.linspace(0, 1000) # Add finishing constraint: x2 <= 100/2 - x1/2 plt.plot(x, 50/4 - 3*x/4, linewidth=3, label='First constraint') plt.fill_between(x, 0, 100/2 - x/2, alpha=0.1) # Add carpentry constraint: x2 <= 80 - x1 plt.plot(x, 30 - 2*x, linewidth=3, label='Second constraint') plt.fill_between(x, 0, 100 - 2*x, alpha=0.1) # Add non-negativity constraints plt.plot(np.zeros_like(x), x, linewidth=3, label='$x$ Sign restriction') plt.plot(x, np.zeros_like(x), linewidth=3, label='$y$ Sign restriction') #==================================================== # This part is different from giapetto_feasible.py # Plot the possible (x1, x2) pairs pairs = [(x, y) for x in np.arange(101) for y in np.arange(101) if (300*x + 400*y) <= 5000 and (200*x + 100*y) <= 3000] # Split these into our variables chairs, tables = np.hsplit(np.array(pairs), 2) # Caculate the objective function at each pair z =8*chairs + 9*tables # Plot the results plt.scatter(chairs, tables, c=z, cmap='jet', edgecolor='gray', alpha=0.5, label='Profit at each point', zorder=3) # Colorbar cb = plt.colorbar() cb.set_label('Profit Colormap ($)') #==================================================== # Labels and stuff plt.xlabel('Package A') plt.ylabel('Package B') plt.xlim(-0.5, 20) plt.ylim(-0.5, 20) plt.legend() fig01 = plt.figure() plt.show()
DDR爱好者之家 Design By 杰米
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DDR爱好者之家 Design By 杰米
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